Tuesday Engine

Tuesday Engine

visual novels engine
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Tuesday Engine
The editor to create visual novels without knowledge of programming languages. It uses a drag and drop interface for scene editing and to make interfaces. The story script is displayed as a flowchart node with all plot elements and branches.
Tuesday JS ビジュアルノベル・エンジン
Tuesday JS ビジュアルノベル・エンジン
The editor to create visual novels and interactive fiction
Tuesday Engine
Tuesday Engine
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not my type of game, but man this looks good
Waste recycling game
Waste recycling game
Separating waste, has become a necessity.
Tuesday Engine
Tuesday Engine
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For artists, such a tool is very useful!
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Orbit for iOS
A cleanly designed, intuitive time tracking & invoicing app
Tuesday Engine
Tuesday Engine
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looks really very simple and casual good job
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