Trader BinQosim

Trader BinQosim

A community manager and crypto Enthusias
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Trader BinQosim
Trader BinQosim
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What tech trend are you most excited about for the future?

Headline: How Does Augmented Reality Transform Everyday Consumer Experiences? Imagine turning your living room into a virtual dressing room, or seeing how that new couch really fits before you buy it. Augmented reality (AR) is not just for games; it's reshaping how we shop, learn, and connect with the world. How have you experienced AR in your daily life, or how do you hope to in the future?
Trader BinQosim
Trader BinQosim
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I will be in the comment section
How do you manage cash flow in the early stages of your startup?
Vlad Goncharov
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Trader BinQosim
Trader BinQosim
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I am interested in this topic
What are the key elements of your pitch deck?
Vlad Goncharov
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Trader BinQosim
Trader BinQosim
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How do you stay productive and motivated when working Remotely??

Navigating the realm of remote work can be as challenging as it is rewarding. How do you keep your productivity high and maintain motivation without the traditional office environment? Whether it's maintaining a strict routine, using particular tools to manage your tasks, or integrating habits that foster efficiency, we all have unique strategies to stay at the top of our game. Share your...
Trader BinQosim
Trader BinQosim
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It requires a lot of work and mental strongness. it is not for everybody
How do you balance work and life as a founder?
Vlad Goncharov
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Trader BinQosim
Trader BinQosim
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I am interested in this topic
How do you ensure your product stands out in a crowded market?
Vlad Goncharov
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Trader BinQosim
Trader BinQosim
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What's the most important feature you look for in a productivity app?

In today's fast-paced world, staying productive is more than just a goal—it's a necessity. Whether you're juggling multiple projects, managing a team, or simply trying to make the most out of your 24 hours, productivity apps play a pivotal role. But with so many options out there, what truly makes a productivity app stand out for you? Is it the simplicity of the user interface, the versatility...
Trader BinQosim
Trader BinQosim
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How Does Your Workspace Inspire Creativity?

Whether you're a digital nomad, a start-up team, or working from the confines of an office cubicle, our surroundings can massively impact our creativity and productivity. Do you thrive in a minimalist space with clean lines and white spaces, or do you prefer a cluttered desk with items that spark creativity? Perhaps ambient noise is your catalyst, or total silence is what you need to focus....
Trader BinQosim
Trader BinQosim
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we are still building, if there are risks , they are not significant
What's the biggest risk you've taken with your startup?
Vlad Goncharov
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Trader BinQosim
Trader BinQosim
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Interested! I will be in the comment section
What helped your startup to move to the next stage?
Vlad Goncharov
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Trader BinQosim
Trader BinQosim
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constant support and checking on them on a regular basis
What's your secret to maintaining customer loyalty?
Vlad Goncharov
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Trader BinQosim
Trader BinQosim
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No Idea yet, I will like to learn from experienced individuals
How do you create a compelling brand story?
Vlad Goncharov
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Trader BinQosim
Trader BinQosim
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hmmmm, not yet, we are still trying to get our first investment
How do you get your first investment?
Vlad Goncharov
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Trader BinQosim
Trader BinQosim
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I will be reading comments
How did you identify your target market?
Vlad Goncharov
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Trader BinQosim
Trader BinQosim
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How has social media influenced your startup's growth journey?

Social media has emerged as a crucial platform for startups aiming to increase visibility, engage with potential customers, and build brand loyalty. In the digital age, an effective social media strategy can accelerate growth significantly, turning small ventures into industry leaders. We'd love to hear how social media has impacted your startup journey. What platforms have been most effective?...
Trader BinQosim
Trader BinQosim
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What's your favorite tool for customer engagement?

As a community manager most especially 'discord' for defi project, there are a lot of tools that can be used for customer engagement. In discord, we create engagement by organizing games, events and campaigns for members. however, as for the tools their certain bots that made that aspect easy. We would like to hear from you!
Trader BinQosim
Trader BinQosim
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I cant really relate hmmmm I will like to hear people's experience
Artem Bukharin
Why did you close your last startup?
Artem Bukharin
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