Tom Lee

Tom Lee

Operator, Poet, Scuba Diver, Son
116 points
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Tom Lee
The Smarter Way To Auto-Generate Subtitles!

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Auto Subtitle Generator by LOVO
Fast, accurate subtitles with just one click
Tom Lee
Tom Lee
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Google calendar - shoot me in the leg instead of hacking my calendar pls
What is the one app you can’t live without?
Tom Lee
Tom Lee
started a discussion

What's the greatest-ever launch you ever witnessed?

I saw one today, and it was the showing of my niece to the family and friends marking her 100th day on Earth. Baby launches ftw
Tom Lee
Tom Lee
started a discussion

You miss 100% of the shots (of all kinds :P) you don't take

As a creator, we need to be taking shots all the time, even if they might not all land. As the great Gretzky said, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. And sometimes, you need to take some shots... of alcohol, for your grind. Curious of your personal or your culture's traditional hangover cure - My personal go-tos are chocolate milk, tomato juice, and cheeseburgers - soondae (steamed...
Tom Lee
Tom Lee
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wowza congrats!
I'm Community Member of the Year!
Tom Lee
Tom Lee
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tea in the morning, coffee only after I've had lunch
Lukas Rüger
Coffee or tea: Which beverage fuels your mornings?
Tom Lee
Tom Lee
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Dahab, Egypt - scuba, eat, shisha, repeat
Dream vacation?
Slim Geransar
Join the discussion
Tom Lee
Tom Lee
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snitches get stitches quiches take up niches
Carol Moh
How do you pronounce niche - "neesh" or "nitch"?
Tom Lee
Tom Lee
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pc pls
Mac or PC?
Tom Lee
Tom Lee
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hoping for direct & indirect insights into the success... be peepin'
Carol Moh
PH Insights Webinar - Come Join Us! 🎉
Tom Lee
Tom Lee
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Start leaking in December and officially launch January? :P
Carol Moh
Launch in December or wait till January?
Tom Lee
Tom Lee
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I'll recognize that voice from anywhere ;) Good luck with the launch!
The easiest and fastest way to convert articles into reels
Tom Lee
Tom Lee
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3. Product :P
Sherry L
Be honest! As a marketer, who's the first person/team you would create a good relationship with?