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    Tom Anioł
    G-hr.growth.pet was created by pet care industry professionals to help their colleagues affected by the Russian-Ukrainian war. G-hr connects people who are looking for a job with people who are ready to give them one, and volunteers who want to help them.
    G-hr by growth.pet
    G-hr by growth.pet
    Matching refugees with pet industry employers
    Tom Anioł
    #TechForUkraine is a campaign by Tech To The Rescue matching IT companies with international non-profit organizations helping Ukraine amid war. All tech companies are welcome to join and provide help where it’s needed.
    Tech For Ukraine
    Matching IT companies with non-profits helping Ukraine
    Tom Anioł
    Here's Scaler, a tool designed to fix holes in your eCommerce customer flow, created on top of Facebook’s Robyn algorithm. It provides you with an easy look at eCommerce's impact on your KPIs and evaluates the effectiveness of media investments.
    AI discovering where e-commerce loses money
    Tom Anioł
    Meet your clients on-line. Show them products, discuss prices, and complete orders thanks to Sales Meeting Hub.

    Sales Meeting Hub
    Meet your clients, present products, and sell them online.
    Tom Anioł
    Meet your clients on-line.
    Show them products, discuss prices, and complete orders thanks to Sales Meeting Hub.
    A complex system that lets you reconnect with your customers and drive sales processes via video meetings linked to complete eCommerce features.
    Sales Meeting Hub
    Meet clients via video, present products & sell them online.
    Tom Anioł
    Tech To The Rescue is a voluntary movement connecting IT companies with non-governmental organizations around the world. Through this simple but powerful platform, NGOs can find companies specializing in IT tools, solutions, and services for free.
    Tech To The Rescue
    Tech Companies helping NGOs fight COVID-19 crisis for free
    Tom Anioł

    We analyzed 70 trends and their impact on the current market situation, as well as the condition of the eCommerce market in the B2C and B2B sectors. This edition is also supplemented with mini interviews featuring industry experts, along with additional useful content you can find there.

    eCommerce Trends 2019
    The most comprehensive trends study for an upcoming year.
    Tom Anioł

    Vue Storefront 1.0 is production-ready an all-in-one front-end that enables you to run a new eCommerce front-end without any changes in the backend platform.

    It gives you the possibility to create a storefront for both web and mobile with a native-like mobile experience.

    It is hard to make a tl;dr for VS, so feel free to ask any questions :)

    Vue Storefront 1.0
    Create a native-like app for eCommerce as a web platform
    Tom Anioł

    Open Loyalty is an open-source loyalty management platform, which can be used as a base for a new digital product or to extend existing products with new loyalty features. Publicly available on GitHub, free for building an MVP with less than 200 customers.

    Open Loyalty for Startups
    Open source stack for building customer focused products
    Tom Anioł

    Progressive Web Apps are becoming a promising new concept for web development which can rapidly improve the web experience. It appeared that most companies have observed positive effects after implementing PWAs - conversion rate growth, reduction in application weight, or an increase in the number of users.

    Download Now!

    Top 30 Progressive Web Apps
    We gathered 30 Case Studies of PWA from 7 industries!
    Tom Anioł

    Sales Reps just hate to waste time filling in CRM. So our idea is to use natural language processing and machine learning to automatically capture all data directly from e-mails and upload them to the Client Account.

    OXI - AI sales team assistant
    AI assistant tracks and improve sales team performance