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I can already see strategies I could apply in my products in the free sample. I am excited to get access to the full list
Best way for SaaS companies to increase signups & revenue.

DataMask Editor is great for quick screenshot editing tasks. Draw with pen, blur, blackout and export to PNG, JPEG or WEBP.
Editor works as standalone Web App and can also be used together with DataMask browser extension.

DataMask Screenshot Editor
Edit screenshots from your browser

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I have made DataMask Editor to scratch my own itch performing basic screenshot manipulation tasks when producing images for my blog articles and tutorials. I don't like installing software and believe that most of the desktop apps can be replaced with web applications. Datamask Editor web app is great when I have to switch between Macbook and Windows laptop since editor works exactly the same...

DataMask Screenshot Editor
Edit screenshots from your browser

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?makers it seems that Google login is broken

SideProjects v2.0
Showcase your side project. Get feedback. Grow.

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More than 800 users are already using DataMask browser extension to keep their private and corporate data from being forever captured in website screenshots. Now it is time to introduce Pro version which brings even more website content manipulation capabilities for digital professionals and casual users.

DataMask Pro
Blur private data before taking a screenshot

With DataMask Pro private data is protected and screenshots look ready for publishing. DataMask Pro allows creative professionals to do more website content manipulation tasks without the need for specialised design software.

DataMask Pro
Blur private data before taking a screenshot

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I have already identified a conversion improvement on a landing page I have in progress. Awesome!
Conversion Checklist
Improve conversions and sales.

Many of us have this one bookmark folder where all the "Read Later" links are being saved and probably never opened again. ReadingGoals extension helps to tackle your reading debt by putting "Read Later" links as a new browser tab page.

Tackle your "Read Later" bookmark debt in 2020

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I have a "Read Later" bookmark folder and it recently reached 100 links. It is clear that my deferred reading strategy is not working and I need to do better in 2020. For this reason, I created a Chrome new tab extension which puts my shame front and center and helps to prioritise my reading debt.
On the first day of using ReadingGoals I reduced my "Read Later" debt by 30%. Some of the...

Tackle your "Read Later" bookmark debt in 2020

PowerSearch extension provides productivity features which are missing from in-page browser text search. Regular Expression and case-sensitive modes will supercharge your productivity when searching for information on websites.

Supercharge browser text search with productivity features

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Web is overflowing with information and to effectively process relevant data on websites new productivity tools are needed. PowerSearch extension adds missing features to browser in-page search and puts you in control to fully tailor and automate text search using Regular Expressions and JavaScript functions.
Upcoming paid version of PowerSearch extension will also remember last used search...

Supercharge browser text search with productivity features

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Neat. I used to mark push-ups on a piece of paper in a similar way. Your idea would have helped to get a nice print-out.
Fast Habit Print
Print a page. Track your habit. Free and simple.

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I have created and been using this tool for two years now. It helped me to stay motivated and read a lot more texts in Danish language.

Learn a foreign language by reading the news online

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Creating reusable app shell for PWA on Android and IOS is one way to go. Helps to save quite a lot of time spent on boilerplate native programming. Once idea is validated and has some traction, app can be converted to a real native app if that's what is required to push UX further or there is need to use more native APIs.
Is there a need for a powerful app building platform for founders (mostly non-tech)?
Sahaj Rana
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DataMask now supports manual mode which enables to click on the website areas which should be masked, instead of masking the entire website.

Mask private data before taking screenshots

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Thinking about data privacy complicates customer support case handling. DataMask helps easily share screenshots without revealing private/business data.
Notice: Test your product with DataMask, before recommending it to your users.

Mask private data before taking screenshots

DataMask helps to hide your personal data before taking a screenshot.
- Hide your business/private data when sharing screenshot with support person
- Take website screenshots for editorial use
- Create mockups for design or illustration purposes

Mask private data before taking screenshots