
My journey stemmed from a simple idea with my co-founder. Build software that helps businesses manage their teams more efficiently. This idea grew into Teamixo, a platform designed to tackle the common challenges of workforce management. My previous work was a real eye opener and highlighted the pain points that companies face day to day including time theft from staff, inaccurate pay data, and errors during pay run to name a few. My co-founder and I are on a mission to change workforce management for the better by providing businesses with tools that streamline operations, enhance productivity, and foster better communication. All while making the software simple and easy to use.


Founder & Leadership at Teamixo


Gone streaking
Gone streaking
Gone streaking 5
Gone streaking 5

Maker History

  • Teamixo
    Workforce Management Software
    Jun 2024
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntMay 30th, 2024