Tobias Matt

Tobias Matt

Trying to make a living as a Solopreneur
18 points


I'm a passionate professional currently navigating the corporate world in a 9-5 job. While I've learned a lot from my experiences, I've always yearned for something more fulfilling—a venture that allows me to be my own boss and make meaningful decisions without being constrained by rigid governance and bureaucracy. I'm driven by the desire to create, innovate, and contribute to something that truly makes a difference. My journey is about breaking free from the monotony and venturing into a realm where my ideas and efforts can flourish unrestricted. Join me as I embark on this exciting path toward independence and fulfillment. Together, let's challenge the status quo and build something remarkable! #Entrepreneurship #Innovation #Freedom #CreateYourOwnPath


Indie maker


Good find 🧐
Good find 🧐
Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking
Gone streaking
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Maker History

  • PackBuddy
    Simplify Your Packing, Enjoy Your Trip
    May 2024
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntMay 3rd, 2024