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Generate and publish learning material with minimum investment of time and energy with our free, AI-powered creator platform. Engage your students with bite-sized content and increase knowledge retention with micro-learning modules.
Creator Platform by Adaptiv
Creator Platform by Adaptiv
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Brilliant idea! Much needed for people who are starting out the first time.
Product Launch AI
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āœØ Ada, the AI-powered mentor on Adaptiv can answer career-related questions and help you discover the most relevant career paths based on your strengths and interests, and provide guidance on how to prepare for different careers by suggesting courses. āœØ
Career mentoring by Ada
Career mentoring by Ada
Beyond human guidance, AI-assisted mentoring for everyone
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Whats the difference between an Indie Maker and an entrepreneur?

We see the term maker a lot on Product Hunt and elsewhere. I am curious to hear if folks agree that all makers are entrepreneurs and vice a versa. Why the term and what is the distinction?
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Whats the difference between an Indie Maker and an entrepreneur?

We see the term maker a lot on Product Hunt and elsewhere. I am curious to hear if folks agree that all makers are entrepreneurs and vice a versa. Why the term and what is the distinction?
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Are you hiring for AI Training skills yet?

With the explosion of chat GPT and Large Language Model based applications, one clear need is to finetune the models based on your business needs. Fine tuning models can be a game changer and often the edge you need from others to win the marketshare. I am actively considering hiring our first AI Trainer - a role that is a combination of english language, data analytics and python. I am...
Goodbye boring lectures, tediously long videos and text-heavy PDFs. Adaptiv is here to help you stay up to date with the latest requirements of the new economy, without the jargon and long format of traditional online courses.
Adaptiv Me
Adaptiv Me
Generative AI powered career planning & micro-learning
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Are you actively considering including LLMs in your product?

Large Language Model (GPT3) based products and features are coming out in large numbers every day. I am curious to know if existing products and startups are considering leveraging it.
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Will Large Language Models be the NFTs of 2023?

It's a matter of time before LLM powered solutions will be a part of every product or business in some form. Some businesses or platforms might even be completely about wrappers on top of one more LLMs. There is a significant debate right now around how trustworthy, reliable and open for abuse LLMs can be. No one has definitive answers as it's a rapidly evolving space. Regulation, as is...
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Vijay Singh Khatri
Your top Project Management Tools for 2023 would be?
Vijay Singh Khatri
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Will Google be displaced by Open AI or another LLM based solution?

We are already seeing significant new concept learning capabilities in the latest davinci model of open AI. And we have other players that we haven't yet factored in GPTJ, cohere, etcAs Google searches get replaced by direct AI questions it completely changed the way we think about content and product discovery. It\s a matter of time when the context window of LLMs is big enough to learn new...
Co here is an alternative to GPT3. Their models and APIs are comparable to GPT3 in the sense of a developer-first approach to providing next generation NLP Solutions.
Making NLP part of every developer's toolkit