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Find what’s selling well on Etsy, so you can launch better, sell more, build bigger, and capture more of the market! Toolsy empowers you to analyze and follow Etsy competitors, with exceptionally accurate data, saving you hundreds of hours of manual research

Etsy SEO and inspiration tool

Tina Nenevolia
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Hello, I'm Khrystyna. I'm an Etsy seller, Etsy U instructor for 2022, and Co-founder of Toolsy.
We develop Toolsy together with a great team @bglcler @yusuferen @eren_turunc and @k_basali
I was born and raised in Lviv Ukraine and moved 11 years ago to Istanbul - Turkey.
For 2 years I have made over 8K sales and more than 1K positive reviews. I love to be on Etsy and part of this...

Etsy SEO and inspiration tool