Thorsten Hunsicker

Thorsten Hunsicker

Serial Entrepreneur & Startup Junkie
23 points


Hi, I am Thorsten. As a serial entrepreneur, I launched 20 startups in the last 15 years, crashed most, learned a ton, and had four exits. Now profitable with a Micro SaaS (ViSPR) and my marketing agency (SuperAds), which managed about 400.000 USD in ad spend in one year for a Pfizer subsidiary alone. In the Covid lockdown, we quit the 9 to 5, as well as our last startup, which had won six international awards but no investors. I exited my family to the beachside in Spain with the most spectacular ocean view. Hint: The best decision of my life. I am currently learning Spanish (Hola!) and looking to start exciting SaaS-Ventures with my new co-founder...


Indie maker at ViSPR SEO Partner Network


Gone streaking
Gone streaking

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