Thomas Yanik

Thomas Yanik

Mobile App Developer
70 points
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Thomas Yanik
Thomas Yanik
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I use both, for discussions I use web.
Neel Patel
Producthunt on web or mobile?
Thomas Yanik
Thomas Yanik
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Waking up early in the morning and planning my day before the day starts.
Ghulam Abbas
What are good daily habits that help you being successful?
Thomas Yanik
Thomas Yanik
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Amazing! I am on 2-day streak.
Isa Tanis
250 days streak
Thomas Yanik
Thomas Yanik
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Interesting, let's see how it actually works, good luck for the launch.
Ghulam Abbas
Send cold WhatsApp messages that actually get customers!
Thomas Yanik
Thomas Yanik
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Congratulations dear, Keep up the good work!
Ghulam Abbas
283 day streak 🔥 Top 130
Thomas Yanik
Thomas Yanik
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I am on 10 day streak.
Subin Babu
Share your streak count and hometown! 😊
Thomas Yanik
Thomas Yanik
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I also, But now I am on 7 day streak.
Lost my 126 day streak….but check what happened..
Slim Geransar
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Thomas Yanik
Thomas Yanik
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It used to be Grammarly for me before but now its ChatGpt 4
Mary Rumyantzeva, PhD
What platforms do you use to check grammar?
Mary Rumyantzeva, PhD
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