Ari Bencuya

Ari Bencuya

COO @ Impressions
137 points
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Ari Bencuya
Ari Bencuya
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Congrats on the launch! Excited to see it in action :)
Datapad 2.0
Datapad 2.0
Store all your KPIs in your pocket
Ari Bencuya
Ari Bencuya
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So much fun! Great Work!
Where remote teams do their socials, no sign up required
Ari Bencuya
Ari Bencuya
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The Little Engine that Could :)
Oliver Kraftman
Best books for founders that aren't "business" books
Oliver Kraftman
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Ari Bencuya
Ari Bencuya
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UXCAM and Amplitude. Not sure if this helps you though.
Lukas deConantsesznak
What tool are you using for analyzing user sessions? (e.g. FullStory, Smartlook)
Lukas deConantsesznak
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Ari Bencuya
Ari Bencuya
left a comment Welcome!
Mahak from Outgrow
Any weird website you came across that seems interesting to you?
Mahak from Outgrow
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Ari Bencuya
Use Impressions to create hyper-realistic face swaps and insert celebrity faces into any video or image you create. Make fan films, show off your impersonation skills, recreate classic scenes, create new memes, and share them with your friends and family.
Impressions App
Impressions App
Your videos with hyper realistic celebrity face swaps
Ari Bencuya
Ari Bencuya
started a discussion

Podcasts for Seed Stage Startups?

Hi, Was wondering what podcasts you all listen to that you think are a must for early-stage startups. I love "Masters of Scale" and "This Week in Startups", but when listening to founders of "more established" companies, I feel like the lessons don't always apply. Thoughts?
Ari Bencuya
Ari Bencuya
started a discussion

Android Testers in Canada

Hi PH Community, We're on the verge of soft-launching our AI Face Swap application to Canada but we don't have any phones with access to the Canada app store. If anyone is interested in testing/helping out we'd really appreciate it! Thanks! Ari Bencuya
Ari Bencuya
Ari Bencuya
left a comment
From the archive:
Guilherme Moreira
How to start a startup
Guilherme Moreira
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Ari Bencuya
Ari Bencuya
started a discussion

Learning ASO

Hi All, I'm on a mission to learn ASO from the basics to advanced for our application. I wanted to reach out to the PH community to help discover the following. 1. Best Learning Resources (Free Courses/Articles/Communities) 2. Best Tools (Free and Paid) 3. Anything else I should know? Thanks for the help!
Ari Bencuya
Ari Bencuya
started a discussion

Time Tracking Tools

Hi, I'm looking to work more efficiently and looking for a (Free) automated time tracking tool to help me keep up. Here's what I've tried so far. 1) RescueTime (not free) 2) Desktime (Free version doesn't have productivity calculation) 3) Timefibers (The site is down, I need something more reliable) Anyone have any suggestions? I may obviously end up purchasing something as well so if you...