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Tony Gao
SeeQR is a no-code relational databases manager application for your complex local and RDS projects. We packaged powerful functionalities like visualizing entity relationships in 2D/3D and performing CRUD functionalities in a simple click-and-drag GUI.
No-code database editor and performance manager
Tony Gao
Tony Gao
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How much would you pay to get a single question answered by a public figure/celebrity you follow?

Curious how much is knowledge worth. Feel free to share your opinion.
Tony Gao
Moivon is an open source platform for connecting creative events to design consumers. Whether you're a design enthusiast seeking for exciting content or a curator of creative activities looking to share your work to a larger audience, Moivon has your back!
Finding your next creative event should be made easy
Tony Gao
Tony Gao
started a discussion

What motivates you to visit a place for vacation the most?

Hi guys, I am currently working in the tourism/hospitality business. I want to see which of the options really drive the core decision making when people go on a trip. Thanks for your inputs!