Hafiz Zainudin

Hafiz Zainudin

Future of Work in GenAI Era
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Hafiz Zainudin
Hafiz Zainudin
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Exciting new AI products are those ones without AI in it's name or tagline. Others are just API wrappers.
With all the AI products launching every day. Do you have AI anxiety?
Hafiz Zainudin
Hafiz Zainudin
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I tried it and loves the memes. But it repeating too soon. Meme I just saw repeats again after 2 tries.
Karthik Tatikonda
Launched a tool that give memes for startup founders. Would love to get your feedback
Karthik Tatikonda
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Hafiz Zainudin
Hafiz Zainudin
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Could be a new startup idea!
Ermes Tavares
Is there any free tool that evaluates the profile of the social network and proposes improvement?
Ermes Tavares
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Hafiz Zainudin
Hafiz Zainudin
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Growth Marketing Product Management Lesson Learnt
Natia Kurdadze
As a business owner, what are THREE topics you’re most interested in?
Natia Kurdadze
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Hafiz Zainudin
Hafiz Zainudin
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I share the links into WhatsApp group
Balkrishna Karma
How do you shop online with your friends as a group?
Balkrishna Karma
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