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Tao Ni
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Is watching the live commentary qualified as "live TV" 😥

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How not to be wrong: the power of mathematical thinking
The hidden beauty and logic of the world

Tao Ni
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Finally, something we've been waiting forever!

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Tao Ni
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There are 1 or fewer people with my name :D

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Tao Ni
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Electric cars (e.g. Tesla) has a proven market: people will buy cars and will buy better cars. Supersonic jet? Not entirely sure, especially after the horrific crash that ended Concorde. Even during the Concorde era, it's interesting to find out the unit economics and investigate why no one has ever created a successor since then. Curious if there is a proven market. For instance, are the...

Supersonic passenger jet - NYC⇒LDN in 3½ hours

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