Tanmay Rauth

Tanmay Rauth

Loves building ML Products
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Tanmay Rauth
Master key concepts of machine learning swiftly & enjoyably
A deck of Machine Learning Flashcards that will help you learn and revise fast and efficiently.
If you have started learning machine learning and want some something that help you memorize the concept then this is for you !!
Machine Learning Flashcards Pro
Machine Learning Flashcards Pro
Master key concepts of machine learning like a Pro.
Tanmay Rauth
A deck of Machine Learning Flashcards that will help you learn and revise fast and efficiently.
If you have started learning machine learning and want some something that help you memorize the concept then this is for you !!
Machine Learning Flashcards
Machine Learning Flashcards
Master key concepts of machine learning swiftly & enjoyably
Tanmay Rauth
Tanmay Rauth
left a comment
Seems to be promising product !!!
Machine Learning Flashcards
Machine Learning Flashcards
Master key concepts of machine learning swiftly & enjoyably