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Sven Le Fers
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Promising. However: Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch when signing up with a Google account.
Plan events like a pro

Sven Le Fers
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I am sorry guys, not exactly impressed by your website. The phone image is in front of the text (and why use an old iPhone model? home buttons are long gone ... ). It's a bit messy and sort of overwhelming. It does not inspire me to use the product.
I am looking for something quiet and sleek (!!) that gives me just the right amount of info that I need. There is too much going on (based on the...

Sleek Calendar 2.0
The clearest, cleanest and the simplest calendar & planner

Sven Le Fers
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App not available in all App Stores?

Everything you need to know for everything you own

Sven Le Fers
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Regarding Video: Would be nice if the waste drawer was emptied in a compost-bin instead of a normal bin! Go the extra step!
Your complete meal preparation system

Sven Le Fers
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Quite useless. You give the impression you want to be French, but give away that you do not speak it at all. It looks like Franponais. Google that.
Pros: It makes you look French, I guess, for non French speakers. At least the words are spelled correctly
Cons: It shows you do not understand the French language at all. The sentences mean nothing and do not make sense. Just words in random order.

Le French generator
Generate random text in French 🇫🇷

Sven Le Fers
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Seems buggy: Selected Top Sender > Sort by 'Number of Emails' ... CleanEmail logs me out.
Email cleaning/management tool which doesn't sell your data

Sven Le Fers
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Trello not supported anymore. FB Messenger needs to be reset very frequently. Empty support-base online. Seems like a short-lived story.
One desktop app for Trello, Slack, Zendesk, Intercom & more.