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Auto Swiper Extension to automatically Swipe Tinder, Bumble, Lovoo, PoF and OkCupid Profiles.
It offers you different ways to filter the profiles of Tinder, Bumble, Lovoo, Badoo and OkCupid to get the most out of it.
It offers you different ways to filter the profiles of Tinder, Bumble, Lovoo, Badoo and OkCupid to get the most out of it.

Auto Swiper
Auto Swiper for Tinder, Bumble and other Dating Sites

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Hello everyone,
I'm Andy (surtic86) who developed this Auto Swiper Extension to take away the annoying swiping on dating sites. It started all 2 Years ago on a Reddit post. After Tinder i started to Support also other dating sites like Bumble, Badoo, Lovoo, OkCupid and since some weeks also Plenty of Fish with a new overall Design.
Why Auto Swiper?
My Auto Swiper brings you more filters then...

Auto Swiper
Auto Swiper for Tinder, Bumble and other Dating Sites