Subham Mohanty

Subham Mohanty

Frontend Developer @ LongShot AI
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Subham Mohanty
Don't get bogged down by SEO technicalities; we automate it all for you. LongShot AI boosts your rankings and credibility effortlessly with advanced optimization, fact-checking, and automatic internal linking. Ready to see your content soar? Start for free.
Optimizers by LongShot
Optimizers by LongShot
Don't just write but rank
Subham Mohanty
Build a no-code custom AI chatbot in 2 minutes based on your own data or custom knowledge sources and add it as a widget to your website or CMS, and interact with it to get all the information. It's like having your own ChatGPT for your website.
LongShot BotShot
LongShot BotShot
No-code custom AI chatbot builder that trains on your data
Subham Mohanty
Create accurate and fact-checked content backed by credible sources, up-to-date information, and thorough fact-checking. Works like a charm for folks from Journalism and Media, Finance & Banking, Legal, Research, Technology, Academia, Health & Medicine, etc.
Generative AI for Factual Content
Gen AI tools for factual, source-based, & up-to-date content
Subham Mohanty
Think ChatGPT but personalized, real time, fact-checked | ChatGPT / GPT3 are great content AI tools, but they have issues: 1️⃣ Can't write on latest topics, 2️⃣ Often get facts wrong or make stuff up, 3️⃣ Can't read YOUR data | FactGPT fixes all that 😱
FactGPT by LongShot AI
Think ChatGPT but personalized, real time, fact-checked