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Unleash Your Writing Potential with - The Cutting-Edge Mac Menu-bar App That Brings AI-Powered Language Model to Your Fingertips. Write Effortlessly, Craft Compelling Emails, Texts, Icebreakers, and Social Media Posts with Ease! (Desktop)
ChatGPT at your fingertips: Menu-bar app

Storm Holman
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I've been using (Desktop), the AI-powered menu-bar app for my Mac, for a few weeks now and I'm thoroughly impressed. As a fan of OpenAI's ChatGPT, I was excited to try out this integration and it did not disappoint. The app seamlessly incorporates the language model, providing me with accurate and creative suggestions as I type. Writing emails, texts, and even icebreakers for dating... (Desktop)
ChatGPT at your fingertips: Menu-bar app