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I think you are collecting more information than is necessary to run an app that could create a neat avatar clone. I was not impressed and didn't even finish loading it because it needed my contacts and other intrusive information. It was like that annoying Uber or Lyft driver who keeps asking all those informal questions that you wanted to avoid by riding in the back and even though you are...
Genies 2.0
Digital clones that look and think just like you

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Seriously, thought this had something to do with the old anonymous app yak. Logo looks similar. No one is going to go to some lame site to work on their vocab. This could work as an app, but you also need crap fillers. By this I mean add-ons like "word of the day," "this day in word history," "origins of word," etc.💩 Like that.

Yak Tack
remember. words.