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Hi everyone, I’m the maker of Fundamentals Tool, a tool that helps you find undervalued stocks based on fundamental analysis. I created this tool because I wanted to make it easier for investors to do their own research and make informed decisions. This tool provides you with key metrics, comparisons, and filters for any stock. You can also see how the stock performs against its peers and the...

Fundamental Analysis by StockAlgos
We help find stonks that are diamonds in the rough

Want to trade like Buffet? Now you can with the Fundamentals tool. It is like a better version of Yahoo finance that teaches you what the metrics should be and easily allows you to sort and filter through thousands of stocks to find the best ones.

Fundamental Analysis by StockAlgos
We help find stonks that are diamonds in the rough

Ever wish you could trade with insider knowledge? Now you can! The Insiders tool allows you to see insider trading and selling patterns. The algorithm filters and sorts through a variety of data to match your search criteria. Insiders Tool
Analyze insider trading to make strategic investments

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We noticed that retail traders were getting squeezed, so we decided to make a tool that would give insight into how C-Suite executives bought and sold the companies they work on. At the time of writing, we are seeing a massive sell off from Insiders of one of the largest retail stores. Find out which one. Insiders Tool
Analyze insider trading to make strategic investments

Introducing the first Proof-of-prediction (POP) system. Many people claim to know how the stock market will move but there is no way to track this... until now. Our platform is allowing the portfolio managers of tomorrow to show what they can do.

Showing you who the best portfolio managers actually are

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If you could get one person to use this tool, who would it be and why?

Showing you who the best portfolio managers actually are