Anton Stankovsky

Anton Stankovsky

Software Engineer
132 points
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Anton Stankovsky
Approve bills right in Slack or Microsoft Teams, automate vendor onboarding and stay on top of contract renewals. Approveit saves time, and enhances financial control with seamless integrations to Bookkeeping Systems, ERPs and Task Managers.
Vendor contract management & bill approval in Slack/MS Teams
Anton Stankovsky
⏱ Create expense approval workflows in under 10 minutes
✅ Get approvals directly in Slack or Email with automated reminders
🔗 Integrate Approveit with accounting systems and spreadsheets
🔃 Customize your workflows using conditional rules
🌳Plant Trees
Approveit 3.0
Automate expense approvals in Slack and email
Anton Stankovsky
Build Zaps to trigger the approval requests in Approveit based on events in other apps or to bring the data from Approveit to other systems your team uses
Approveit + Zapier Integration
Approveit + Zapier Integration
Create integrated approval workflows in Slack with Zapier
Anton Stankovsky
Approveit presents the most anticipated tool - Workflows, a new way to build and manage your team's approval workflows in Slack.
Create your custom approval workflows in Slack with a simple yet powerful visual builder.
Workflows by Approveit
Workflows by Approveit
Manage your team's approval workflows in Slack
Anton Stankovsky
Professional platform for UX, UI, and graphic designers. We aim to revise a way designers showcase and companies hire through the most advanced portfolios featuring interactive prototypes, A/B posts, case studies on the top of static images and videos.
Show and find UX/UI design talents, not dribbble shots