Steve Christensen

Steve Christensen

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Steve Christensen
Neuwly is a community where we learn, grow and become inspired through live-streaming video. Whether it’s new ideas, unique knowledge or mind-blowing talents, Neuwly is the space where you list, discover and connect with people and events in neuw ways.
Building a home for the world’s experiences
Steve Christensen
Steve Christensen
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What a great way to share your lists! Very cool.
A social network centered around lists
Steve Christensen
Steve Christensen
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Capture and share Twitter posts as beautiful images
Steve Christensen
Steve Christensen
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The minimalist feel is perfect!
Good Launcher
Good Launcher
Minimalist launcher to increase focus and productivity
Steve Christensen
Steve Christensen
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Love the concept! Nice work!
The online commercial leasing marketplace
Steve Christensen
Steve Christensen
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Really cool! Definitely checking it out.
Re-imagining the bedtime routine
Steve Christensen
Steve Christensen
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Love this concept! Definitely going to check it out!
A creative workspace with notes, whiteboards, tasks, & more
Steve Christensen

Novo Watch- -Dowlais 1884 Edition is a handcrafted watch made from a 133 year old reclaimed railway line. This mechanical watch is a throwback to when a watch was not just a watch but something that was shared and passed on by generations.

Novo Watch- -Dowlais 1884 Edition
Novo Watch- -Dowlais 1884 Edition
Reclaimed. Handcrafted. Timepieces.