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Stetson Blake
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I built this simple web app and map from a survey taken from a community and newsletter I founded called This is an IT Support Group. It shows IT roles and salaries they make around the world, but mostly US-based.

IT Salaries around the world
A visualization of a Salary Survey taken by the IT community

Over 1000 survey respondents around the world took a salary survey that asked about what they made, where they lived along with other data on their role in IT. IT Salary Map makes some of that data explorable via a handy map

IT Salaries around the world
A visualization of a Salary Survey taken by the IT community

Stetson Blake
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Congrats 🫡 -- Have taken the course in the past and loved it. Great info and TONS of value.

How to Buy, Grow, and Sell Startups
Free course on private equity from

Stetson Blake
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I set a goal to launch this on St Patrick's day and I hit it! Excited to introduce new users to Linux.

Shell Samurai
Master the Linux Command Line

Shell Samurai is everything I wish I knew about Linux when I started in IT 10 years ago. It's a book that covers the basics of the system along with navigating the command-line quickly. It goes in-depth without being boring or going way too deep.

Shell Samurai
Master the Linux Command Line

Stetson Blake
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Developed, built and launched in 24 hours! I wanted to keep the Rick Roll alive with this Custom Rick Roll Link Generator.
Works on Facebook, iMessage, Slack, Twitter, Discord and other SM sites :-)
Hope you all enjoy

Instant Rick Roll
Custom Rick Roll Links Generated On-Demand

I made a Link shortener service a while back. It was kinda fun but boring. Around that time I was playing with Opengraph URLs and realized I could disguise links.
Instant Rick Roll is the modern way to troll your friends with a custom Rick Roll link.

Instant Rick Roll
Custom Rick Roll Links Generated On-Demand

Stetson Blake
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Love this idea and kicking myself for not building it myself...
Given the endless services popping up on AWS with random names that don't seem to really align with what the product actually does, this cuts through the noise. I'm mostly an "Indie dev" but the value here for small startups just building an eng team or hiring devs makes a lot of sense.
Reminds me of one of my favorite YouTube...
Find the best dev and cloud tools for your use case

A Book describing how anyone can create, grow and monetize a Facebook group -- or any community! Get my condensed knowledge on how to run an effective, happy community and how to find sponsors willing to pay to advertise in your community!

Facebook Group Hacks
How to create, grow and monetize a community on Facebook.

Stetson Blake
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Over the past 3 years, I've gone deep into Facebook groups. I've created my own groups, made friends all over the world and created a separate income stream that can grow independent of my time.

Facebook Group Hacks
How to create, grow and monetize a community on Facebook.

LinkPig is a dead simple URL shortener and Link Analytics app. LinkPig allows you to create short-links for your URLs and keep track of who is clicking your links, where they're from and when they clicked! It isn't bogged down with unnecessary features and it's totally free to use.
Dead simple Link-Tracking for Marketers

Stetson Blake
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This product was created during an all-nighter hackathon last weekend. I use other link-trackers often for my products and I wanted my own -- how hard could it be?
Dead simple Link-Tracking for Marketers

Stetson Blake
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I made this product so that people in my online community, This is an IT Support Group, wouldn't have to sort through a Google Sheet. It's written in VueJS and the back-end is the same Google Sheet formatted in JSON. I can't wait to see the board grow along with my community, which is currently at 15,000 members on Facebook groups.

IT Support Job Board
A no-bs job board for IT professionals.

The IT Support Job Board is a simple job-board for IT-professionals to hire and/or be hired for a new role. This VueJS app was spawned from a Google Sheet/Form my online community used to advertise new jobs. The board uses a GSheet formatted as JSON as its db!

IT Support Job Board
A no-bs job board for IT professionals.

Stetson Blake
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Thanks! Very cool project.
>Let's talk about your use case
Oh, no, like I do web scraping myself as well :-)
I'll probably still reach out

Monitor webpages and get fresh data sent to your webhooks.

Stetson Blake
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Also curious on your tech-stack if you'd be nice enough to share :-)

Monitor webpages and get fresh data sent to your webhooks.

Stetson Blake
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Really cool idea. I've been interested in web scraping lately and have thought of doing something like this but I always over-engineer. Great work keeping it simple and good luck!

Monitor webpages and get fresh data sent to your webhooks.

Stetson Blake
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I'm extremely interested in web-scraping and data analytics. Having more providers of clean data and data services helps grow the startup ecosystem

Helios Analytica
Managed web-scraping pipelines and data products

Helios Analytica provides managed web-scraping services along with a Data Store of retail store locations. This data can be used for market and competitive analysis, mobile-apps and much more

Helios Analytica
Managed web-scraping pipelines and data products