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Stephen Inoue
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Chrome extension "Disable HTML5 Autoplay" breaks your audio playback. chrome://extensions/?id=cafckninonjkogajnihihlnnimmkndgf

Write your own story that other can listen to

Stephen Inoue
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I use the Seattle based app "Paprika" that strips Recipes and puts them into a recipe database. It works really well. You might look at differentiating your product by decoding tiktok and youtube recipe's auto close caption track. Add an export to Paprika function if you want access to an existing user base.

Only Recipe
Remove clutter from recipe sites, no popups, no life story

Find cofounders, founding team or other professionals by pitching your startup in 200 characters or less.

Pitch your startup in 200 characters & find your co-founder

Stephen Inoue
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Saw this on reddit. Founder is looking for feedback.

Pitch your startup in 200 characters & find your co-founder

Stephen Inoue
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Lose the acronyms.

We're a learning DAO creating quality free web3 education

Stephen Inoue
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You've got an App Store problem where searching on Alfread doesn't find your app. You need to add a mini URL and a QR code to your marketing material and get on the phone w/Apple to address the issue. You need to skip the 7 day free trial and just give out free 90 day passes with no purchase. The goal is to increase usage so that when you ask for payment they would be losing a great service...

Actually read articles saved for later

Stephen Inoue
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The UI needs some help. Clicking the + icon gives the "text" block that you can edit. Clicking the draw button lets you draw, but once you do that how do you toggle back to the text editing function? Seems counter intuitive to have the draw on/off be the deciding factor, but I'm coming from a background where I'm expecting three buttons in a toolbar: arrow (select), draw & text. As for the...

Create and share amazing sketchnotes in 5 mins

Stephen Inoue
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Silicon Valley, Israel, Estonia, NYC, LA, Taipei, & Tokyo. Sorry most of Europe, Africa, South America. That said if you can boot strap it and don't need VC work wherever you want.
What country is the best for startupers?
Julia Doronina
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Stephen Inoue
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They should rename it carpool. What is the revenue model?
One stop transportation shop

Stephen Inoue
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Technical Issues...
Email link says no server found (using Mac Safari). Copying link to Chrome works fine.
Created profile, but when it goes to choose a maker avatar icon it gives a Error... TypeError: Failed to fetch message and gets stuck in an endless loop of emoji icons (chrome).
A shareable profile that sums you up as a maker 👨💻🛠👩💻

Stephen Inoue
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Needs some tweaks. Update the app store graphics. Add details about iPhone X being required to create holograms. The steps to view a sample hologram turns on the camera, but says to find a level surface to place camera on, and then does nothing.

Create and share holographic videos

Stephen Inoue
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You might make a collection of themed musical tones for mass transits stops. In Japan each station has its own "ringtone" that they play on the train as they enter the station. It always amazed me that people can wake out of a deep sleep and exit like a sleep walking zombie at their stop. If WakeMeHere had a set of tones for each NYC subway stop I think your product would catch on at each...

A location-based alarm clock for your iPhone

Stephen Inoue
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Any ability to search? I submitted an idea but it looks lost to the sands of time!

Startup Ideas
Daily ideas for what to build next

Stephen Inoue
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Works awesome with PopClip - great for specific word translations and pronunciations!

Add translation and spelling dictionaries for your language

Stephen Inoue
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There is another App already called Captioned in the iOS store. Since you don't actually add text on top of video you might consider a name change (Voice Over) or adding a caption feature. If you do the later you might consider adding YouTube Close Captioning or go further by implementing APNG as an option over regular GIF. It would give you the ability to add overlays as separate layers that...
Say, show, share. Create a 60 second captioned video

Stephen Inoue
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A much needed gap in Sketch is filled with Lingo. Have you looked at licensing the NounProject API? It would give you a good curated set of SVG icons that can be used for mockups and as final icon art for the finished app (licensing taken care of). Any thoughts about creating a marketplace for sketch assets? If you can curate it and reward the designers you might have a huge new market on your...

Lingo Sketch Plugin
A design system manager for Sketch