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Just a better version of Screetime.

UseScreen : Use PC carefreely
Use PC carefreely

Are you facing neck pain ,headache, myopia and other COMPUTER VISION SYNDROMES effects? Do you want to boost your productivity and want to manage it ? Here you are, UseScreen solves all this issues

UseScreen : Use PC carefreely
Use PC carefreely

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Screetime App with Plus features ,
Come Support Us , to save the world from the hazards of Screen time on

Screetime PLus
Screen time the plus way!

It makes you manage your screen time and increase productivity at the same time. A teenager ,office worker or even a video gamer spend a lot of time looking at the digital screens and Screetime has all to make you safe with the plus features

Screetime PLus
Screen time the plus way!

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I suffered from myopia and headaches frequently so i developed this app.It prevents health problems and makes me far more efficient.

Lets use computers the right way