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Nikita Krugovoy
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That's what exactly I've been looking forward to as a traveler for a long time. The moment that I don't understand completely now is the following: how does it come out that some ticket prices could be lower in your app than the price on your partner's side?
WayAway Plus' content is cool – just tried it in the Balkans.
I'm really happy with using it! Congratulations on the launch! 🔥🔥🔥
Find cheap flights and get cashback on all your travel deals

Nikita Krugovoy
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That is a great idea, but I suppose that there should be an option to let people perceive an information not only through video but through text as well. These two ways of communication have their own advantages and disadvantages. The question is didn't you think about integrate some video-to-text module to extend your existing functionallity?
It's not about changing your video-to-video...
Asynchronous video conversations at scale

Nikita Krugovoy
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That's great! Meal enjoyers love nothing but eating and people who could recommend new place to eat. 🍽

World of Mouth
A restaurant guide app for foodies, by foodies

Nikita Krugovoy
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Very useful solution. Hope it will help to concentrate on a strategies instead of document's issues and others routines. Congrats!
WorkHub eSignature
Affordable digital signature software

Nikita Krugovoy
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Thank looks awesome! I've been thinking why does such useful app like Slack exist only for a companie's internals communications but not for external's ones since I tried it. Looks like you're going to fix this bad flaw. Congrats!

Welcome Spaces
Collaborative platform for professionals & customers

Nikita Krugovoy
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Looks like it's gonna be useful not only for people who pitch their startup but for people who just wanna tell others something as well. Looks fascinating. Congratulations!

Story Sprint
Draft, develop, and design your deck in a day

Nikita Krugovoy
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You don't say! It's gonna save so much time summarising work notes for me! Congrats, great job!

OpenAI for Coda
Automate hours of busywork in seconds with GPT-3 and DALL-E.

Nikita Krugovoy
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It's extremly inspiring design. Congrats on the launch!
Get the online office that works for you