Cara (Borenstein) Marin

Cara (Borenstein) Marin

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Cara (Borenstein) Marin
Cara (Borenstein) Marin
started a discussion

How do you make the most of customer research sessions?

At the end of each customer research session, I always ask if I can take a screenshot of the call - just for internal use in my notes. It's a strange question to ask. But, especially when doing a number of calls, there's a risk of them blending together. I have my notes, of course. But having a picture of what the call looks like makes it easier to load that conversation back up in my...
Cara (Borenstein) Marin
Cara (Borenstein) Marin
started a discussion

It's possible for back-to-back meetings to be productive

I was recently discussing this with my teammate and she has the most productive meetings of anyone I know. Including the key tips she gave me below. What would you add? Pre-meeting: - Use agendas to set a clear purpose for the meeting. - Use pre-reads to help you get to the good stuff faster. - Show up on time. During-meeting: - Time bucket items to help you stay on track. - Use a parking...
Cara (Borenstein) Marin
Cara (Borenstein) Marin
started a discussion

Do you grandfather people in when making pricing changes?

Admittedly, I didn't grandfather people in sufficiently in the first product I worked on and it was a mistake. My goal was to better understand the niche who cared about the product the most (the pricing change did help us with this) but we lost customer trust in the process. Moving forward I can see how grandfathering people in is almost always worthwhile. It gives some flexibility to make...
Cara (Borenstein) Marin
This is a great resource, thank you!
André J
8 tips when designing your Product Hunt launch
Cara (Borenstein) Marin
Marketing site! But then I want to get into the product as fast as possible.
flo merian
Poll: when you want to try a new dev tool, you first...
Cara (Borenstein) Marin
Cara (Borenstein) Marin
started a discussion

How far out do you publish your public roadmap?

We're thinking to start publishing a public roadmap and are deciding how far out we're comfortable sharing. The main concern is that our roadmap is likely to (and should!) change the further out we get, based on customer feedback. I'm thinking to start with what we expect to build in the next month as the initial timeline. What do you do? Also, please share your public roadmap for...