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Launch your application, store or use case in the RCS Business Messaging channel with easy-to-use no-code tools. RCS is next-gen messaging in the SMS inbox. By the end of 2022, 90M devices in the U.S. will support RCS.

RCS Messaging Early Adopter Program
Launch Your E-commerce Store in the RCS Messaging Channel

Enables any smartphone user to have a RCS style experience on unsupported mobile networks, operating systems and devices including Apple iOS devices. To date, RCS is only available on a limited number of Android devices and mobile network operators.

RCS Messaging Virtual Experience
RCS Style Experience across all Smartphones and Networks

Brian Stafford
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Hello PH -
RCS, sometimes referred to as SMS 2.0, is the next generation of messaging being deployed by the mobile network operators. RCS allows for two-way conversations utilizing a rich media experience including actions, buttons, quick replies, carousels and rich content. This technology turns the native messaging client on your mobile device into a host of many applications and the next...

RCS Messaging Virtual Experience
RCS Style Experience across all Smartphones and Networks

Brian Stafford
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Hello ph - We have launched our RCS development platform to allow brands and business to easily design, build and deploy RCS experiences across mobile operators. We would love to get your feedback. Shoot me a note and we get you setup with a demo account.

nativeMsg RCS Development Platform
A Replacement for SMS with Leading Edge Messaging Features

nativeMsg RCS Development Platform will change the way that businesses communicate with consumers by combining the ease of SMS, the engagement of Messenger and the features of a native mobile app.
Result: The SMS inbox will host mini-applications increasing participation and engagement.

nativeMsg RCS Development Platform
A Replacement for SMS with Leading Edge Messaging Features

A conversation and chatbot platform.

Brian Stafford
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Hey Product Hunt,
I am the Co-founder of CondoGrade. Here is our story....
Most people don't know that 80% of new housing construction is happening inside of some type of homeowners or condo association. Community living is getting more and more popular, yet living with strangers is very, very hard. Here are the results of a recent survey about condo living:
45% of condo owners say that...

A financial report for your next condo association

A financial report for your next condo association