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There’s been a lot of press recently about Mike Bloomberg using memes to promote his campaign. We have access to these same pages and an advertising platform to promote through them. So, why not equip all candidates with memes?
Meme 2020
Meme 2020
A meme campaign for all candidates.

πŸš€ Flipmass for advertisers.

🀝 Available to select advertiser partners.

πŸ”Ž Find an influencer to share your message.

πŸ“Š Review their metrics, past performance and prices.

🎊 Schedule your post time, media, caption, pay and go live.

Flipmass Ads
Flipmass Ads
Buy sponsored posts from social media influencers.

πŸš€ Flipmass is the influencer platform.

πŸ’΅ We help social media influencers make money.

🎟 To get access receive an invite from an influencer in-app.

πŸ“ Meet the requirements of 10,000+ followers & views per post.

🎊 Once you're in, connect your social pages to start receiving deals.

Make money online through sponsored posts