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Sascha Greuel
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WARP+ uses Cloudflare's virtual private backbone, known as Argo, to achieve higher speeds and ensure your connection is encrypted across the long haul of the Internet.
Warp-Up is a tool, that uses the referral system of WARP+ to add a nearly unlimited amount of extra traffic to your existing WARP account.

Automatically generated referrer bonuses for Cloudflare WARP

Warp-Up is a tool, that uses the referral system of WARP+ to add a nearly unlimited amount of extra traffic to your existing WARP account.

Automatically generated referrer bonuses for Cloudflare WARP

Automated ImageMagick compilation from sources for Debian/Ubuntu including advanced delegate support.

IMEI - ImageMagick Easy Install
Automated ImageMagick compilation for Debian/Ubuntu

Whatsapp Icons for Covid-19. Stay healthy!

Corona Stickers for WhatsApp
Whatsapp Icons for Covid-19. Stay healthy!

Sascha Greuel
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So this is a cheap copy of within a browser app, right?

My Cool IP: Get your Public IP Coolest
Get your public IP Coolest

Sascha Greuel
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1. Geolocation is completely off (in my case 292,8 km)
2. IPv6 is not supported
3. A simple demo (like when entering your site) would be good, so people won't buy a cat in a bag.

The reliable, secure, and simple IP geolocation API.

Sascha Greuel
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I would really like to try it but unfortunately, the installation verification isn't working. Instead, it just refreshes the page :/

It's Verified
Increase Your Website Conversions

Sascha Greuel
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Can't register.

Random aliases for Gmail. More PRIVACY, less SPAM!

Sascha Greuel
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In Desktop (Chrome, did not test any other browser, yet), the controls are not disappearing in fullscreen mode.

The simple and beautiful embed video player for web

Sascha Greuel
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Looks pretty and works flawless so far, but it's not GDPR compliant, so unusable for people in the EU.

The simple and beautiful embed video player for web

Sascha Greuel
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So you made a blog post, of where to download cracks and how to use them in order to illegally activate Windows?

Windows 10 activator
Best Ways To Activate Windows 10 Free

Sascha Greuel
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Maybe just for marketing reasons: You make people think that the cards are animated. This isn't the case. So for all, who may be interested in this, you should first check out the last screenshot 😃
Anyways, i like the idea and the design, so i've just contributed to your project. GLWS!
Playing Arts Edition ZERO
A deck of playing cards animated in augmented reality 🃏

Sascha Greuel
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I like the idea, but the website seems to be broken.

A Boostrap wrapper for PHP

Dead-Letter.Email is a website / PWA that allows you to detect disposable email addresses in no time. Simply provide a mail address or a domain name and we will tell you, if you are dealing with a disposable email address, or not.
Developers can use our free, daily database dump to build their own checks. To do so, check out

Dead Letter Email
Detect disposable email addresses

Sascha Greuel
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U sure, that (Ste)Pedometer is a good name for a product?

Track your steps

Sascha Greuel
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There's not much information about anything.
Claims to be fully anonymous but uses Google Analytics (but with anonymize_ip), Google Ads and external libs using CDNJS.
As a user, you'll have to trust the words of this unknown author, if you are really expecting a fully anonymous service. Due to the fact, that there's nothing more than the main page, you don't have any informations of how and...

Anonymous Files
Zero logs, zero restrictions, anonymous file upload.