Sofia Murphy

Sofia Murphy

Passionate and Enthusiast Marketer!
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Sofia Murphy
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Thanks for sharing these!
Business Marketing with Nika
Here are words you want to avoid while creating content...
Business Marketing with Nika
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Sofia Murphy
Sofia Murphy
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Is Starting A Netflix Like OTT Platform A Good Business Idea?

The world famous OTT platform, Netflix earned revenue of $32 Billion in revenue over the twelve-month period concluding in June 2023. Moreover, video streaming content is skyrocketing, making OTT platforms more in demand than ever. 📺 Perhaps the perfect time to create your own OTT platform, with the potential to earn billions. We've got a comprehensive guide on OTT App Development to assist...
Sofia Murphy
Sofia Murphy
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No, I don't!
Darya Antonyuk
Do you work weekends?
Darya Antonyuk
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Sofia Murphy
Sofia Murphy
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What Features Do You Think Are Important in Laundry Application?

What is a powerhouse of an application? What sets your app apart from the rest and ensure its success? Well, it is the FEATURES! Features are the lifeblood of any application. Some basic features are required to run the application while advanced features attracts more users! Here is a YT video on 21 Top Laundry App Features that are essential for its success👉
Sofia Murphy
Sofia Murphy
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It all depends upon the urgency of that task!
Sneha Nair
Imagine you have a list of five tasks: Rank these tasks in order of priority, and why?
Sofia Murphy
Sofia Murphy
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A to-do list, reminders or alert for task, time to complete the task are some of the key features a productivity tool should have.
Alisha Widianti
What key features make a productivity tool user-friendly and intuitive? Share your examples!
Alisha Widianti
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Sofia Murphy
Sofia Murphy
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Do You Know How Much Money Does Uber Make?

In the second quarter of 2023, Uber revenue grew 14% to $9.2 billion!! With an increasing demand for taxi services around the world, taxi business like Uber are soaring. To meet this increasing demand, launching your own taxi service in your city/state can prove to be your best profitable bet! Moreover, digitizing an existing taxi service can bring your extra customers and additional revenue...
Sofia Murphy
Sofia Murphy
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ChatGPT for me!
Mohamed Reda El Ghazouani
ChatGPT, Bard, or Aria? Which is the best assistant for you?
Mohamed Reda El Ghazouani
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Sofia Murphy
Sofia Murphy
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Preparing a to-do for the list keeps you going and motivated. That works for me!!
Gavaskar Rajagopal
How do you kickstart your productive week?
Gavaskar Rajagopal
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Sofia Murphy
Sofia Murphy
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Travel as much as possible!
Amar Yousaf
What's on your bucket list this year?
Sofia Murphy
Sofia Murphy
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Can You Outline the Sequential Process of Mobile App Development?

Creating a mobile app is like building a house! You start with a well-designed blueprint (wireframe) that outlines the structure and flow, then gradually add the foundation (code), walls (features), and carefully finish each detail to ensure easy and delightful experience for your users. But, you should follow the sequential process in order to make a bug-free mobile app. I came across this...
Sofia Murphy
Sofia Murphy
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Do you know the first tweet of Jack Dorsey (Co-Founder of Twitter) was sold as an NFT for $2.9M?

Yes, you read it right! But, what are NFTs? NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) are a proof of a digital certificate of the proprietary rights of things like tweets, codes, videos, etc... Here's a detailed guide to learn more about NFT Marketplace
Sofia Murphy
Sofia Murphy
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Do you know 47% of US Citizens belong to Church?! So, What's in For You?

47% of population = 120 million people. Imagine a market of 120 million people using your app for religiousness! Yes, it is the right time to develop a Church App for Church goers! You can find more information about Church App Development via this blog👉
Sofia Murphy
Sofia Murphy
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How do you book your travels? Do you use mobile phones for it?

Well, more than 85% of travelers use mobile phones to book their travel. Try to analyze this figure with the business mindset. Having your own travel app and earning commission for each travel booked through your app is a great business opportunity! Trust me, the output/earning is 40x more than the investment cost! Because the famous travel app, TripAdvisor earned $1.5 billion in revenue in...
Sofia Murphy
Sofia Murphy
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Liked your perspective!
Sofia Murphy
Do You Use Cash For Transaction or Make Payments Online?
Sofia Murphy
Sofia Murphy
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Amazing List!!
Indu Thangamuthu
Top 15 In-Demand Tech Skills for 2023
Indu Thangamuthu
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