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Thank you Ghulam and Udayraj for your upvotes.

Games and Utilities
Games, Utilities, Screensavers

Smazlabz is brainchild of Smazogz, a single man operation supplying top quality, unique, fun and innovate software and games. Many titles are offered freely with an option to make a donation.

Games and Utilities
Games, Utilities, Screensavers

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Hello everyone, Smazogz of Smazlabz here, now about to create his 1st post.
In short I've always had a fascination with computers stemming back to watching demos on the C64 mainly. Almost four decades later I find myself at 50 years old, with 30+ years software designing and programming behind me.
Smazlabz was started a few years ago as a place to attempt to start selling (and giving away)...

Games and Utilities
Games, Utilities, Screensavers