Ahmed Mohammed

Ahmed Mohammed

Android Apps Developer
9 points
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Ahmed Mohammed
Ahmed Mohammed
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Know who’s visiting your website and greet them
Ahmed Mohammed
Ahmed Mohammed
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12,000+ exclusive design resources for Figma, Sketch & XD
Ahmed Mohammed
Ahmed Mohammed
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nice job
Soft UI Dashboard
Admin dashboard template for Bootstrap 5
Ahmed Mohammed
Ahmed Mohammed
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nice job
Quolum SaaS Card
Expense card for SaaS purchases
Ahmed Mohammed
Ahmed Mohammed
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Smart Start to Learn English
Smart English
Smart English
Smart Start to Learn English
Ahmed Mohammed
All of these in a good and smooth design.
Smart English App Support Night mode.
the app contains:
Life Story
Random Idiom
Random quote
Sentences and examples
Smart English
Smart English
Smart Start to Learn English
Ahmed Mohammed
Ahmed Mohammed
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I Hope You Like it
Smart English
Smart English
Smart Start to Learn English
Ahmed Mohammed
the app contains:
Life Story
Random Idiom
Random quote
Sentences and examples
All of these in a good and smooth design.
Smart English App Support Night mode.
Smart English
Smart English
Smart Start to Learn English
Ahmed Mohammed
Ahmed Mohammed
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I Hope you Like it
Smart English
Smart English
Smart Start to Learn English
Ahmed Mohammed
You will learn how to ask, answer and tell a story.
Smart English app also contains many motivating Quotes.
you can listen to the Quotes and you can copy and share any Quote you like.
Smart English App Support Night mode.
Smart English
Smart English
Smart Start to Learn English