Samuel Ian Rosen

Samuel Ian Rosen

CEO & Founder, Tap
23 points
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Samuel Ian Rosen
Tap's mobile app geo-locates the closest water refill station. Anyone can add and review stations. Contributions earn entries in a weekly rewards sweepstakes for Amazon gift cards and reusable Hydro Flask water bottles.
Tap Mobile App
Tap Mobile App
Mobile App including Add & Review Station
Samuel Ian Rosen
Software to track hydration, calculate personal plastic bottles savings, and find nearby water refill stations. Launched via a QR water droplet sticker. Stickers are $4.99 available for purchase today.
Drinkware OS by Tap
Drinkware OS by Tap
QR Sticker transforms water bottle into smarter water bottle
Samuel Ian Rosen
An OS for drinking fountains:
1. Add to global tally of plastic bottles saved counters.
2. Generate maintenance reports, including notifications when filters need to be changed.
3. Generate revenue through a sponsored refills advertising program
QR based operating system for drinking fountains
Samuel Ian Rosen

Tap is an app that allows you to find nearby Refill Stations, so you never have to buy bottled water again. You just open the app and within seconds you’ll find the closest place to refill your water bottle.

The search engine for water
Samuel Ian Rosen
Emo by Makespace
Emo by Makespace
Store your emotional baggage
Samuel Ian Rosen
MakeSpace Emo
MakeSpace Emo
Store your Emotional Baggage in the Cloud
Samuel Ian Rosen
Self storage made easy and pleasant.