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Sion Smith
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What a great idea!! We at OSO would love to try this out!

Manage your developers’ wellbeing right in Slack

Sion Smith
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Great animations, what software did you use to create these?
Automatic Translation by Subly
Translate in 2-clicks and collaborate on content

Sion Smith
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Hello Subly superheroes, does this mean I will able to subtitle my content in different languages?
Subly Pro
Subtitle videos and audio automatically in seconds

Sion Smith
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I have been following the progress of London based @importio for over a year now - they have some great people working there, some really innovative tech and not to forget a very cool warehouse as an office. Good luck guys!

Silk +
Turn millions of Web pages into your own visualizations

Sion Smith
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Something worth noting here is this does not support Whatsapp for iPhone which is a feature outstanding with Whatsapp itself NOT this hunt. What surprising is Whatsapp was originally an iOS app which was then ported to other OS's later - why have they failed to release this feature to all us iPhone users??

WhatsApp for Mac

Sion Smith
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Met you guys at TC London - really impressed by just how accurate your AI algorithm is. I would really like to discuss more about the UX and who designed it?

A.I. recommending restaurants in SF in a chat interface

Sion Smith
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I'm pretty sure the engineering team of Instagram view the products posted on @producthunt I strongly recommend not using this service unless the service can mask IP source.

An automated growth hacking tool for Instagram

Sion Smith
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@mulligan Thanks for the update. Could you explain where these screenshots get stored? iCloud drive or Cluster backend end?

Screenshotter 2.0
An even better way to organize & manage mobile screenshots.