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  • About

    Lived and breathed programming since the age of 13, a decent cook with chef overtones, a former boy scout (it never stops), a campfire guitarist and certified mediocre pianist, a proud father to Evyatar and Noodle the happy dog, and even prouder partner to Adi. I love the process of taking an idea and making it tactile, exciting, and scalable. In a perfect world, I would take everything apart to understand how it works; even if I can’t put it back together again (although I could learn how to).



    Top 5 Launch
    Top 5 Launch
    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking

    Maker History

    • GabbyGPT
      WhatsApp to ChatGPT: Voice-based British AI made for Seniors
      May 2023
    • Transcriberz
      Converts WhatsApp voice note into text has been never easier
      Sep 2022
    • 🎉
      Joined Product HuntAugust 28th, 2022