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The idea is simple. You should be able to share your resume even by text message. And, no matter whether you shared the link one day before or five-year before, the recruiter should always see the latest details.

Resji - webpage for your resume.
Say goodbye to pdf resumes and get a web link to your CV.

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Hi all,
This is Sharath. Let me introduce you to my new product, "Resji" which lets you find & show your resume in the web browser (of course, in HTML format with CSS styling with a bit of JavaScript).
Here are a few samples of resumes so you could check & know how your resume is "going to be" before...

Resji - webpage for your resume.
Say goodbye to pdf resumes and get a web link to your CV.

Puzlord is where you challenge your gang by creating puzzles about life events, funny moments, secrets, gifts, gossips, memories, etc, and invite them to solve. Whoever solves the puzzle or gives the correct answer first will become the Puzlord.

Create & solve puzzles about everday life events

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Hey makers and hunters...
Let us know, did you enjoy creating & solving the puzzles.

Create & solve puzzles about everday life events

Sernal is a complete journaling experience with mood-habit-medication-sleep tracking, note-taking, daily motivation, goal board, and the option to express your emotions with a sketch. The app is live on Appstore and Playstore.

Self love journal - Be more self-aware & discover yourself

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Hey Everyone,
There is one good saying, "All the answers you seek are within you" and our version of the same is "All the answers you seek about yourself are within you - To find those, you have to know enough about yourself or you wrote enough about yourself at someplace".
Keeping that in mind, we developed Sernal (a complete journaling app). Even though we call it has a journaling app, it...

Self love journal - Be more self-aware & discover yourself