Amber combats malicious AI which will "Photoshop" video and alter evidence. Amber solves this by hashing at record, writing fingerprints to blockchain smart contracts, and tracking provenance through to distribution.
Amber unequivocally proves a video's authenticity -- critical in a polemical world of disinformation and propaganda.

Auto transcribe and translate your audio & video in minutes and in 90+ languages with speech recognition and advanced AI (website, Mac/PC app, or on-prem solution).
Then edit the transcript like a Google doc and export it to your NLE post production software (FCP X, Adobe Premiere, Avid MC) and MS Word while preserving timecode and framerate.

Amber: fake video solved.
Malicious AI will be able to edit a video to make people say and do things they had not. Amber is the “truth layer” for video and a solution to combat deepfakes. It does this by fingerprinting recordings and tracking provenance, from capture through to playback, with blockchain smart contracts.