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Artem Shambalov
tTravel is a mobile app for travellers by travellers. Get human-verified travel plans that can't be googled or ChatGPTed. Track your travels with scratch map of memories. Perfect for solo explorers and travel enthusiasts! Made with love for art and adventures!
Find human-verified places, share your stories, earn rewards
Artem Shambalov
Artem Shambalov
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I love the animation of your logo in the promo video🔥
Semblian 2.0
Semblian 2.0
Outsource your time‑consuming tasks to AI
Artem Shambalov
Artem Shambalov
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Always nice to see new tools and ideas for productivity boost! Good luck, guys!
A single tool for SMEs to optimize processes & connect teams
Artem Shambalov
Artem Shambalov
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A very useful set of tools, good luck!
40+ Free AI Tools for Social Media Marketing
Artem Shambalov
Artem Shambalov
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Awesome idea! Upvoted!
Convert your blog posts to Pinterest pins in minutes
Artem Shambalov
Artem Shambalov
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A lifesaver to distinguish between AI and human content! Congrats on the launch!🙌
Detect undetectable AI, see how the text was written