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Star Zagofsky
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Love all the food/cooking puns. A useful app that is also a delight to use? Yes!
Audience Kitchen
Unlock 95,000+ ad targeting options in Facebook & Instagram

Star Zagofsky
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iPhone scrensharing while video chatting is the app we’ve all been needing. With great power comes great responsibility, tho! Know what’s on your phone before you share it, people. Stay safe when you Squad... because we all know that once you try it, you will. not. stop.
Pros: iPhone screensharing!!!!!!!!! 📲
Cons: That nude your mom can’t unsee 😳. Constantly being asked for tech support by...
Squad (Acquired by Twitter in 2020)
Screen share with friends from a group video chat ✨

Star Zagofsky
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As a woman in tech, sometimes it feels like the cards are always stacked against me. Can't tell you how many times men have told me to change my attitude rather than fix their own habits formed as a result of the entrenched discrimination in our society. EquiTable helps them walk in my shoes in a small, tangible way by splitting the dinner bill according to their privilege - White and Asian men...

Split the bill fairly