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Seamlessly connect your Bike Index or 529 Garage data to verify serial numbers for bike sales. βœ… Show your bike's physical serial number and authenticate it as not stolen with a trusted registry. Reduce theft and prove ownership when selling your bike! πŸš΄β€β™‚οΈπŸŒŸ
Sprocket - Serial Number Verification
Sprocket - Serial Number Verification
Increased verification for bike sales.
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I made some UX recommendations here - maybe they listened?
Ghulam Abbas
What are your thoughts on Product Hunt's new layout?
Seamlessly connect your Strava account for ride history verification βœ… Showcase tracked rides, time distance, and overall wear-n-tear with our Strava-powered integration. Reduce bike theft with proof you’ve ridden the bikes you sell on Sprocket! πŸš΄β€β™‚οΈπŸŒŸ
Sprocket - Strava Verification
Sprocket - Strava Verification
Increase trust by sharing your Strava gear tracking data