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Sergul Sungur
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a digital marketer has to manage ads on all of the digital channels at the same time
What is the most common misconception about your profession?
Daniel Engels
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Sergul Sungur
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As a digital marketer, I spent my time at the first half of the day by checking ads results, optimizing campaigns, preparing reports, and attending team meetings like routine works. And at the rest of the day I make researches for creative works.
How do you manage your tasks?
Ghost Kitty
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Sergul Sungur
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Except my mother language (Turkish) I can speak English and German. I learnt English after German and at the beginning it was so complicated for me learning English after German, because these two languages are in the same language family therefore their gramer structures are similar. I think reading, listening, and a lot of speaking is the best way for learning languages.
I've just started to...
How many languages do you speak? What learning method worked best for you?
Daniel Engels
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Sergul Sungur
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I'm using SEMrush
How do you find SEO backlink opportunities? π€
Luka Vasic
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Sergul Sungur
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Google Analytics and Data Studio.
What's your favorite marketing tool?
Utku Uzun
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Sergul Sungur
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Morning walkings in nature make me always inspired. Sometimes best ideas come to me while I'm swimming. If I need focusing beyond the thoughts I'd rather small breaks or short sleeps.
How do you overcome creative block?
Aaron O'Leary
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Sergul Sungur
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I liked the idea. As a marketer I always need to think about the CTAs
Call to Action Examples Database
Yucel F. Sahan
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Sergul Sungur
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I'm totally agree with you. The most important thing I've learned in my whole life is that no one can buy the time, so every moment in your life is so valuable.
Here are 22 things I learned in 22 yearsπ±
Marina ΔuriΔ
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Sergul Sungur
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Everyday I have to attend at least 1 meeting.
How many hours a week do you spend in online meetings? (Zoom, Google Meets, Microsoft Teams etc)
Daniel Engels
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Sergul Sungur
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I'm a real morning person. I usually get up at 6am or 7am even on weekends.
Are you a morning person or rather a night owl?
Daniel Engels
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Sergul Sungur
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I look into IH sometimes, not as much as PH
Are you active on IndieHackers?
Daniel Engels
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Sergul Sungur
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Google Analytics
Keyword Planner
Which SEO tool do you think is important to have?
Yenire leal
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Sergul Sungur
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I have to work from office once a week, so I can socialize with my colleagues more and more. A lot of coffee breaks, chats and going outside for lunch etc... Office day is just like a free day for me, to be honest, I'm working less :)
What's your preference - working from the office, remotely, or a hybrid model?
Misha Krunic
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Sergul Sungur
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Funny and interesting idea. just installed it. Congrats on the launch.

Therapy game-app to improve relationships by talking

Sergul Sungur
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I'm working on It provides smart paywalls for mobile apps to create, manage and optimize in app purchases. Our PH launch will be soon.
Can you share what you're working on in 15 words or less?

Sergul Sungur
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If I had a chance I would say that enjoy your time and you always will do what you want to
What advice would you give to your university self ?
Arun Pariyar
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Sergul Sungur
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I started getting %75 more leads with the same budget from my ads and my monthly goal will be effected positively π
Whats the best thing that happened to you this week ?
Arun Pariyar
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Sergul Sungur
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If you target your B2B audience correctly on LinkedIn ads, it's mostly possible that you can get better leads and results than other social ads platforms.
You might also look at this LinkedIn course :
It's really helpful.
How effective are LinkedIn ads for B2B?
Anna Mandziuk πΊπ¦
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