Chris Shuptrine

Chris Shuptrine

Founder of SEOWidgets - free SEO tools
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Chris Shuptrine
LLMsCompared lets you see how major LLMs describe your brand - and whether they recommend you in vendor searches.
Test your brand's AI visibility
Chris Shuptrine
This exports your last 50 LinkedIn posts with their performance metrics (comments, likes, etc.). Could be useful for your own analysis, or for sharing the file with your friends to point out how cool you are.
LinkedIn Post Analytics Exporter
LinkedIn Post Analytics Exporter
Download your last 50 LinkedIn posts with their metrics
Chris Shuptrine
Add any keyword, and we'll pull relevant Reddit discussions from the past year. With Reddit results increasingly being the top Google search results, this makes it easy to find relevant threads to engage with and drive visibility. 100% free.
Reddit Discussion Finder
Reddit Discussion Finder
Easily find relevant Reddit threads to engage with
Chris Shuptrine
Free report that provides trending stories/hashtags/etc across the top social networks and search engines. Updates daily. Pulls from Tiktok, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Google Trends, Google News, Github, and Mastodon.
Social Trends Tracker
Social Trends Tracker
Trending stories/hashtags/etc across 9 top social networks