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  • Christian Seo Star

    Christian Seo Star

    Founder and Consultant at SeoStar.ro


    SEO Star offers Technical, Local, Mobile, On and Off-Page optimization for online search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo or DuckDuckGo. I think the internet would not be what it is today, without all the areas of Search Engines and SEO. I am an SEO expert, with a passion for sharing innovative ideas and practical solutions for web and digital marketing. With all the ML, DL and RLHF or LaMDA, OpenAI's chatbot, Google's Bert or now even Amazon starting its battle on ScienceQA i am pretty sure in the close future we will have to deal on a daily basis with AI, Bigdata or machine learning. I am a: Blogger, Brainstormer, Consultant, Idea generator, Marketer, Photographer, Project manager, Writer/Editor.


    Founder & Leadership at SeoStar.ro



    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking