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Put your skills to the test and solve the Wordle in reverse. Fill in the wordle grid of guesses given the last row. A new UnWordle available each day!
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Put your skills to the test and solve the Wordle in reverse.

Numberle is a math puzzle game inspired by Wordle. The main goal of the Numberle game is to accurately guess the mathematical equation in 6 tries. As you enter your own equations, you'll see colored hints that indicate how close you are to solving the puzzle.

Numberle - Math Game
Numberle Game: Guess the math equation in 6 tries.

Wordle is a daily word game that invites you to try and guess a five-letter word in just six tries.
This is an improved version of Wordle where you can solve a word from 4 to 11 letters, as well as turn on the random word mode and play indefinitely.
This is an improved version of Wordle where you can solve a word from 4 to 11 letters, as well as turn on the random word mode and play indefinitely.

Wordle Game
Solve the hidden word of the day in 6 tries!

This simple online metronome allows you to quickly set up and start the metronome in 1 click. Set the BPM tempo (beats per minute), adjust the number of beats, and optionally set the metronome timer.
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Metronome Online
Use this handy online metronome to create music

Count your Spacebar hits right now! This test will count the number of spacebar clicks and also determine your space bar clicking speed.
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Spacebar Counter
How fast can you hit the space bar?

The test is meant to determine an individual's purity and ethics. The test consists of 100 questions about your social and private life and will let you know your purity score.
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Take the test right now -

Rice Purity Test
This rice purity test will let you know how pure you are.

Generate unique stylish texts using our handy font generator. Enter any text and get 200+ cool fonts that are easy to copy and paste.
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Fancy Font Generator
Create cool stylish texts with our Fancy Font Generator

Change the extension from JPG to JPEG quickly and free. This image converter helps you to quickly batch convert .JPG to .JPEG without any loss in quality.
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JPG to JPEG Converter
Change the extension from JPG to JPEG quickly and free

This free converter will help you quickly batch change the image extension from .JPEG to .JPG. Just upload your JPEG files and in a few seconds, you will have the JPG images.
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JPEG to JPG Converter
Change the image extension from .JPEG to .JPG for free

This simple keyboard tester will help you quickly determine which keys on your keyboard are working properly and which are not. To start the test, simply press the keys and watch them light up on the virtual keyboard.
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Keyboard Tester
Test the keys on your keyboard

Convert PNG images to ICO format online and for free. This simple converter will help you quickly convert your PNG files to Windows ICO format, for example, to create favicon.ico file.
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PNG to ICO Converter
Convert PNG images to Windows ICO format fast and for free.

This simple file compressor will help you quickly compress any file without losing quality. Compress PDF, JPG, PNG, SVG, GIF, WEBP, Video, and Audio with ease!
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File Compressor - Compress Files Online
This file compressor will help you quickly compress any file