Santiago Poli

Santiago Poli

16 points
NotionSlackDomains 4 Startups


Childhood visits to family marketplaces sparked my interest in commerce, blending traditional accountancy tales from my paternal side with my mother's merchant spirit. My Industrial Engineering education fueled my business mechanics and innovation curiosity. Initially enticed by the corporate world, my engagement on platforms like Product Hunt and Indie Hackers revealed my entrepreneurial calling. Leaving a stable job, I embraced entrepreneurship, merging traditional commerce with modern business practices. I now stand at the crossroad of old commerce and modern entrepreneurship, aiming for a nomadic, innovative lifestyle, with dreams of living in a motorhome, ever innovating.


Indie maker



Tastemaker 5
Tastemaker 5
Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking
Gone streaking
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Maker History

  • Legal Buddies
    Legal Buddies
    Build remote legal teams in 14-days
    Feb 2024
  • Bulk Blizzard
    Bulk Blizzard
    The easiest way to generate cold email templates in bulk
    Nov 2023
  • Domains 4 Startups
    Domains 4 Startups
    Handpick. Get. Grow. Find the Best Domain for Your Startup
    Nov 2023
  • Vintti
    Build finance and accounting remote teams in 14-days
    Oct 2023
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntMay 31st, 2023