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SuperTrivia brings fun trivia right in your web browser. No installation, no signup required.
Great for large groups of people - coworkers, friends, fans. With 50+ topics and 5k+ questions, it's like Kahoot on steroids. SuperTrivia is completely free!
Great for large groups of people - coworkers, friends, fans. With 50+ topics and 5k+ questions, it's like Kahoot on steroids. SuperTrivia is completely free!

SuperTrivia for Web
Free trivia game, unlimited players, readymade decks

Sanket Nadhani
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Arre waah dada!
Status Page by
Beautiful status pages for your website, app or store

We know you’ve watched Squid Game. Now, are you ready to play it? Head over to Bored on Slack and fire up a round of trivia. Beware, there could be spoilers ahead, but that wouldn’t bother you. You’ve binged the show over a weekend, haven’t you?

Squid Game Trivia
Would you like to play a game with us?

Sanket Nadhani
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Hey folks,
Sanket here, founder of Bored ( It's a suite of Slack games, built for remote teams.
I'm excited to launch Icebreakers for Slack.
Backstory -> Having seen how our team would go for days together without having non-work conversations, we decided to schedule a fun activity every day at 4pm. We eventually turned this into Icebreakers in its current...

Icebreakers for Slack
Buh buh buh break the ice with coworkers.

🧊's freezing cold in your Slack. It's time to break the ice.
Bored brings Icebreakers right into your Slack. Our collection of fun and downright weird content will spark conversations.
- Start a ritual by scheduling it
- Works in multiple channels

Icebreakers for Slack
Buh buh buh break the ice with coworkers.

Sanket Nadhani
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Hey folks,
Sanket here, founder of Bored (
A lot of people are working remotely for the first time and it can lead to a feeling of isolation and having no social bond with the team.
While we are solving for the larger problem by building games teams can play together within Slack with our product called Bored, this is our attempt to bring some fun and banter to...
Icebreaker Zoom Backgrounds for standups
Lols, hmms and a whole lot of banter with this 30-pack

Monotony of daily meetings getting to you? Add some fun to your standups :).
30 different icebreaker backgrounds, one for each day of the month. The scrum master puts up a new one every day and everyone answers the question on it for some good old banter.
Icebreaker Zoom Backgrounds for standups
Lols, hmms and a whole lot of banter with this 30-pack

Socialize with your coworkers through fun games right in your Slack workspace. It's free while we're in Beta!
- Spot the Faker: A game of accusations and deception
- Medium Roast: Roast your colleagues (SFW)
- Trivia: 50+ categories, 5k+ questions
Bored - Slack Games for Remote Teams
Play social games with your coworkers on Slack

Sanket Nadhani
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Hey Product Hunters!
I'm Sanket, cofounder of SuperGaming, the company behind this product. I'm super stoked to present Bored - a suite of Slack games for remote teams.
Before I share details about the product and my experiences building it, I'd like to thank Kevin for hunting us.
I spoke to 100+ founders, HRs and realized that work is becoming more impersonal. I figured playing short games...
Bored - Slack Games for Remote Teams
Play social games with your coworkers on Slack

Marketing is one of the hardest parts of growing a SaaS business, especially in the $500K-$5MM ARR phase. Trying to figure it all out yourself can lead to a lot of wasted time, money and heartache. Get advice from people who have done it before over 1-on-1 calls paid by the hour to make lesser mistakes and grow faster.

SaaS marketing mentorship for growing companies

Convertfly helps you add Messenger as a new channel to drive sales on your Shopify store. Messenger drives 4x the conversion rates of email with 80% open rates and 25% CTRs. Convertfly helps you set up abandoned cart campaigns, retargeting campaigns and more on Messenger in minutes, and starts making money for you right after.

Convertfly Messenger Marketing
Automate Messenger Marketing for your Shopify Store

27 Book Summaries for Leaders in Growing Companies
Managing teams, organizational design, strategy & innovation

Sanket Nadhani
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Do restaurants still have websites?

Beautiful restaurant websites with a single click

Sanket Nadhani
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Getting mobile app installs is hard but it gets even harder to retain those users. Mobile Mob is focused on discussions around mobile app engagement and retention for indie devs and startups, something we think needs a lot more discussion.

Mobile Mob
Community on mobile app growth for indie devs

Mobile Mob
Community on mobile app growth for indie devs