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Sanket Chauhan
Recruiters, streamline your sourcing process with CrunchProfile! See at a glance which growth stages candidates experienced at each company and what those companies do. For developers, CrunchProfile can even extract emails from GitHub logs when available.
Summarize candidate experiences on LinkedIn and Github
Sanket Chauhan
AvenueEasy imposes structure on the chaotic universe of NYC Facebook housing groups! Through scraping and GPT magic, we pull listings from numerous groups and allow you to filter by price, location, neighborhood, etc - a task that was painstakingly manual!
Effortless filtering for NYC Facebook housing groups
Sanket Chauhan
Dots is a no-code automation builder that helps mods build great member experiences in their Discord servers, and understand member insights! Use Dots to automate manual tasks such as welcoming new members, providing support flows and sending custom surveys.
Dots for Discord
Build custom bots for Discord with no-code
Sanket Chauhan
Sanket Chauhan
left a comment
Excited to use this!!
The virtual desk that gives you control over your day
Sanket Chauhan
Sanket Chauhan
left a comment
Oo we should start using this because it’s a pain. Just signed up!
Environments per-pull-request, on your own cloud